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Saturday, January 29, 2011

rase nak bebelog

haihai korg! ermmm, rasa mcm nak bebelog je. tp x twu la nak cte psl ape. okay, let me story anything yg pop up at this moment ok. (:
anyway, im safely arrive home.. thanx god for blast my journey. tu first tyme tau aku drive sorg2 jaoh2. naseb baek tak mengantok. thanx lah to my bestie, mimi and my kazen, adriana, sbb jd co-pilot yg sgt berdedikasi sampai aku x sempat nak rasa mengantok lgsg tyme driving tu. haha. dorg ni la. borak x benti2. ade je idea nak suroh aku b'ckp so that aku x mengatok. ok. terima kaseh. sgt berkesan.

to tell the truth, lately this, i am emotionally distracted. i feel so bad. knape rasa mcm aku terok sgt hahh? ya allah. give me some peace. i really wanna breath deeply.

okayy. xde mood bila ingat blk psl ni. dahh. babai..

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


smlm tetiba kau ckp ada org nak jumpa.
muka serious gila.
gaya kau ckp mmg boleh buat org cuak gak la.
tp tak kat aku. soryy.
rupa nya kau sndri yg nak jumpa. muka mmg mcm biasa laa.
"were really into the discussion" ok xpe. kau kan nak jd politician one day nnt. good!
urm, at first kau ckp ko nak mntk maaf sbb klo slame ni ko bnyk buat slh ng aku and kwn2 aku.
ohh dear, please don involve my frens in this things. dorg x bnyk skt kan hati kau compare ng aku kan? sejujor nyaa ape yg ko ckp tu sume ko nak refer kat aku sorg kann? aku terasaa lah.
obviously mmg aku yg salu gdoh ng ko. ko pon kan? baru lah adil kann kann?? (:
smlm masa kau ckp kau nak mntk maaf, aku teros mcm, whattt?? pleasee la jangan!
sbb tu aku teros blah dri situu. x psl2 dorg ingat aku nak menangiss. tp honestly mmg dah touching jugak laa. hurm. aku x nak tgk muka ko smlm sbb,, erm,, ok. untuk pertama kali aku btau kau sendiri. muka ko just look like someone i know well before. u're remind me of him. the one i love so badly before but im more like hating him day by day now. kau paham tak? bila nmpk ko mntk maaf smlm, i can see him trying to begging for apologize from me. so not lah aku nak dudok lama2 kat situu tgk muka kau. sorryyy. bukan aku x nak maafkan kau. cuma i need time. aku pon kena mntk maaf ng kau jugak kan? for many times aku dah sakit kan hati kau. so bad i am. to tell the truth, aku tak kesah pon tyme ko sama2 crik gadoh dgn aku. sbb x lah nmpk mcm aku sorg yg terok jahat kau mmg debomm kan. (:

then, tetiba kau ckp ko ade mnde nak btau lg. kau nak pesan, nextyme dlm kelas jgn lah bsg2 sgt.. org laen x slesa.. hell no! aku and kwn2 aku bkn nye bsg smpi lecturer fed-up and kluar klas smbil hempas pintu. tak pernah lg kann? ok klo ye pon ktorg bsg, mse starting klas je kan. tyme bljr mane ade sgt. kau tlg heh sampai kan balik mende ni kat org2 yg suroh ko ckp kat ktorg tuu. heh? ape ayat aku mcm structure dy x btol je ni?? okayy. aku malas nak delete and renovate blk ayat aku. ko phm2 je la. okayhh? and thanx lah kat ko sbb cara kau sampai kan mmg sgt2 berkesan. mmg berjaya buat aku dan kwn2 aku t e r s e n t a p! good job!
okayy. aku sgt sensitive lately ni. ohh, mungkin sbb PMS (Pissed-off with Man Syndrome)
harap maklum.

PS: AN, smlm mimpi awak lg. heh. bosann lahhhh! :p

Monday, January 24, 2011


klo u bace blog i ni,
pleasee pleasee pleasee bukak ym u kjp.
i twu u dah lme x bukak kan?
i ponn. td i rase nak bukak blk.
pastu i mcm ade ckp something kat situu.
tolong baca je.
tolong heh. okay thanxx.
babai. imy

Sunday, January 23, 2011

bukit bintang!

hey saudara dan saudari! ape kabar? harap anda dlm keadaan sihat walafiat (oh gile skema ayat kau kan) anyway, nak cite smlm aku pg kl. ajak mel jln2. and dah plan nak meet fatyn kat bb. so, ktorg pon grk la pg smlm from shah alam. heh aclty x la pg sgt pon. janji je pg. tp msg2 punye jam sume ikot jam endon. lambat sejam dua. heh heh. sampai pon dah kol 1 lbh. mmg tyme kemuncak perot membunyik. tp x heran lg. mate sume rambang nak pg sungai wang, lot 10, farenheit, and pavi. aww.aww... :(

then, ktorg pg jln2. mkn2 angin. amek2 gmbar. gelak2. mcm biase. and shopinggggggggggggggg! ♥ ohh btw, smlm aku bli purse baru. charles and keith. sbb ade diskaun wehh. 2 bln lps aku tgk mhl lg. then smlm tgk dah tron almost 50% laa. gila lah kan aku x bli. sampai brebot dgn fatyn. last2 aku yg bli tp siyess aku mcm x excited pon nak bli. haha. nnt klo ade sape2 rase nak bli purse baru, ckp ng aku ok. aku jual rm50 je. tag dy, cassing dy ade lg aku x cabot. and aku simpan elok2 dlm locker aku. nnt klo rase2 mcm nak, ckp heh. aku tunjuk and once korg dah pegang,, w a j i b beli! HAHA. mcm desperate gila nak jual kan. tah pape minah ni. oh btw, purse tu kaler dark turqoise. siyes lawauu. (promote habes) ;p
actly aku still lg syg an purplee esprit purse yg aku guna skg ni. sbb mcm bnyk kot kngn ng purse ni. aku bli purse ni kat klcc tyme pg date ng kekaseh lame haha. ;p and tyme aku bli tu mse aku kat mtrx lg.kngn tyme kat matrix lg. pastu kngn abes mtrx.kngn kerja partyme tyme cuti lepas matrix. kngn maseuk u. and skrg dah msk sem 2 dah kat u aku still lg guna purse tuu. syggg la wehhh ;( tp klo aku dpt bli purse yg mhl lg sket dri purse aku ni, knfm aku tukar terosss.. (dah mahal kann. rugi x pakai.) HAHA

untuk FD FD yg lain, do envy us pleaseee.. hehe.. ♥


see?? tangan masing2 kosong lg. sempat lg nak pose over (aku lah especially)


tangan masing2 dah mula dipenuhi dgn plastik. senyom pon terpaksaa. sampai kerot2 dahi nak kne kuar duet, s t i l l nak beli jugakkk. bhehee

ni sesi perbincangan ahli menteri wanita dalam memilih item terbaik yg menepati cita rasa serta bajet tahunan. (sempat lg pndg camera)

my very bestie since lower school till the end. ily mel! ♥

and proudly present to you, my classmate,housemate, roomate and soulmate, the MIMI! (bajuu pon nak samer2 putih kan. mimi kau tiru aku! aku yg iron dlu baju aku tuuu ;p)

PS: duet daaa x de. cane nak blk jb jumaat ni? ouchh.ouchh. anyone yg nak mengamalkan car pool to jb?? boleh tlg byr kan duet mnyk and tol. ehik ehik. :'p

Friday, January 21, 2011

dunia memang adil. saya akur (:

first thing first.
he delete my comment which i made for him after having some missunderstanding.
he changed his default name.
he changed his profile pic.
and lastly;
he delete me from his fb friendlist. -_-

why u have to do so??
a) avoiding from me
b) im disturbing u a lot?? (serioussss?? i dont think so)
c) i've been rude towards u?
d) im not a good fren of u?
e) im too good for you. (i love this answer)

please answer me...

betol la org ckp dunia ni mmg adil.
smlm aku delete org lain.
sbb aku x perlu kan dy lg.
suddenly. hari ni,
ade org lain plak yg delete aku.
seriously. its beyond the expectation.
sedehh. tp terpaksa pasrah.

ya allah, ape yg aku buat selama ni?
is it im not the good one for him?
knape mst ktorg putos kwn?
salah aku ke??
ya allah. jika perpisahan adalah yg terbaik untuk kami.
aku redha dan aku doa kan dia berjaya dlm hidup.
dan sekiranya persahabatan adalah terbaik untuk kami,
aku merayu pada mu.
kau buka kan lah pintu hati kami untuk berbaik dan
kau kembalikan lah semula penyatuan dan persahabatan kami.

PS; im soryyy for what i've done. soryy for been the starter of making enemy between us. i never expect it to be. if we stil have a chance, i realy realy want to make it in other way.
( --__--)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

survey episode 1

Do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth?
maybee. :D

Where were you last night?
on my bed.

Who was the last person to call you baby/babe?
babe- TA

Anyone crushing on you?
x tawuu la pulokk. ;pp

What is your relationship status?
available kot. hi hi.

Has anyone ever sang to you?
yesss definitely! ♥

Has anyone ever given you roses?
not yett! still waitingg (i want blue roses.)

First person to text today?

What is your favorite color?
purple kot.

What color are your eyes?
soft black

What is a compliment you receive often?
'tiqa ni baek, cunn comel rajin lemah lembut caring kelakar best. (okayy! terang2 aku yg reka sume ni. ;D )

How tall are you?:
160cm. tinggi kan tinggi kan?? tehheee.

Who was the last person to say they loved you and when?
siang td. housemate2 ku tersayang. (dorg dlm usha memujok sbb pg td x jd pg jog)

Do you like your parents?
of coz! i love them to the core. im nothing whithout them.

Do you secretly like someone?:
hehee.. mestilaaaaaaaa. laaaa.laaaaaa. ;'D

Why did your last relationship end?

Which do you prefer, to eat or sleep?
eat! klo lapar mane boleh tdo nyenyakk.

Do you look more like your mom or your dad?
obviously look like my mom. haha

Was your mom there?
no. she's at jb. preparing for 8hours sleep.

Can you speak any other language than English?
yes. mandarin! ceyh. pdhl bru lg bljr. hehe.

How many hours of sleep did you get last night?

Do you wear your seatbelt in the car?
sometimes when needed. hehe.

Do you like funny people or serious people?
of coz funny people. to tell the truth, im easily been attracted to those kind of funny person.

What jewelry do you wear all the time?
necklace. A for the locket.

What do you have planned for tonight?
study kowt. or marathon movie. :)

Last thing you ate?
pizza. :)

If you could have one thing right now what would it be
new watch pleaseee.. ♥

Who makes you happiest right now?
mr A

Are you left handed?

noo! that's why im very slow in maths! haha.

What is the last thing you thought about?
when will we meet again?

When is your birthday?
march. same birthday with irwansyah. awwwww.

Do you want to get married & have children one day?
of coz i do! asap . thank you.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

tok ayah.

satu2 nye atok yg aku ade kat bumi ni since 5years ago.
i call him as tok ayah.
atok sblh emak. yg aku plg rapat la compare sblh abah.
arwah atok sblh abah dudok dkt kemaman which is mmg dlm staon boleh kira guna jari lah nak jumpe. jaoh kan dri jb. blk sane pon tyme2 raye je la. hurmm.
al-fatihah to my atok. smoge roh nye di cucuri rahmat. amin..

for this tyme i really would like to share something psl tok ayah.
aku smpi2 je umah ptg ni.
on9. tgk2 status update kt fb abg aku;
" mood x ok: atuk masuk hospital"
my god! down gile bace status tu.
tros call abg to ask bout tok ayah. he said, tok ayah has been transfer to GH johor on this morning. he was sent by the ambulance accompanied by my step-granny. ya allah. sedeh nye hati aku dgar. mcm terok sgt je case atok aku tu smpi kne naek ambulance jaoh2 dri mersing to jb. and it tooks about 2hrs journey. and at this moment, aku tbayang muka atok aku dlm ambulance tu. mst dy sakit sgt.
fyi,tok ayah mmg dah gettiing thp uzur jgk laa. sbb almost 20years he suffer from angin ahmar. bpe taon lps tu, mcm2 pnykt dtg. n even he's memory getting worst. sometimes, he cant recall other's name even anak branak sndri. sedeh tak bile dah lme x dpt blk mersing sbb bz, suddenly bile sampai kmpg, first question tok ayah tny lps siap salam, " kau anak sape?" ya allah. aku as cucu ni boleh lg trime. cuba byg kan prasaan mak aku sbgi anak dy, perasaan uncle2 and unty2 bile kne tny mcm tu. sedeh kan. tp nak buat cam ne. org tua kan. tp skrg, even dy x ingat sgt name anak2 and cucu2 dy, tp stil dy boleh cam muka ktorg. tu pon dah cukop. ;')

and now, he's suffer from prostate. or maybe ade link jugak dgn kidney problem. almost 2years he need to use pampers. and dah hampir 3bln dy kne guna tiub kencing. pity him. ;'(
ya allah. kau kuat kan lah semangat tok ayah. mcm mane dy nak teros habis kan sisa2 hidop dy dgn ibadat dlm keadaan dy skrg ni.

aku salu doa mntk allah pnjg kan lg umur atok aku smpi aku dpt kerja yg baik2. aku nak dy rase hasil usaha aku slame ni. aku nak dy bangge ade cucu mcm aku. i want to make him proud of me one day. ;( pleasee ya allah. pnjg kan umur atok aku smpi aku dpt tanggong dy one day nnt.

tringat dlu tyme aku stil kat mersing. tyme tu skolah tadika.tyme blk skola je, mst tok ayah amek aku dgn abg aku balik naek motor honda dy tuu. everyday! tp selalu nye tok ayah antar aku blk umah dlu. then dy bwak abg aku kluar bndr mkn kat luar. haha. tp tyme tu x pnah rase tok ayah tu x adil sbb bwk abg aku je. aku mcm phm la yg abg aku tu cucu first dy. and tyme arwah nenek aku meninggal tyme pg haji dlu, only abg aku je yg dah lahir. maybe abg aku tu mcm buat atok aku igt kat arwah nenek aku kot. sbb tu dy syg sgt kt abg aku. hurm,, then, smpi lah one day tu, aku ng abg aku blk skola tdika tgh hari tu. tunggu punya lah tunggu. nape la tok ayah x sampai2 lg. then, x lme lps tu, kwn nenek aku (my stepgranny) dtg naek basikal. sampai2 je dy suroh ktorg blk dgn dy sbb tok ayah sakit x boleh amek ktorg. tyme tu kecik lg kan. so, x bnyk mnde nak tny. sampai2 je kat umah, tgk2 ade ambulance dpn rumahh. tu lah 1st tyme aku jumpe ambulance dpn2 mate. mase nak msk rumah tu, nampak dorg tgk tolak atok aku msk dalam van tu. tyme tu aku dah bljr erti sedeh even tyme tu aku baru je 4 taon. tok ayah kne stroke. :( tp skrg stoke dy dah ok. cuma penyakit laen yg dtg. erm, biasela kot,, umor dah 80lebeh. mcm2 lah pnykt dtg.

ps: thanx to me for this pic and the shades. hi hi!

tok ayah,iqa syg sgt sgt tok ayah. tok ayah je satu2 atok yg iqa ade skrg ni. iqa doa kan tok ayah baik. nnt tok ayah boleh tanam2 pokok lg. sume pokok yg tok ayah tanam, mst hidop subor. tok ayah tuggu la lg 3taon iqa abes bljr, iqa dpt kerje baik2. gaji bsr, nnt iqa buat kan kolam ikan dkt umah mersing tu. siap dgn tmpt burung2 hinggap. tmpt kucing2 nak lepak. mesti tok ayah suka kan. ya allah, kau berikan lah kekuatan dan kesihatan untuk atok aku ini.. aminn..

mood: sedeh. nak jumpaa tok ayah. :(

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

the tourist

hey people!
i just watched nowshowing movie "the tourist" with my housemates at jusco bukit raja.
johnny depp yaww! oh i like it bebehh!
and for this time i really have to admit that jolie was a pretty georgeous actress.
serious shit.
i hate her for what she is.
anyway, that movie was kinda awesome even some of us were like been twist while watching it.
oh no matter what, i give 80% for that movie.
know what, all my predict towards the plot are most wrong.
shiiiishhh.. so slow i am!
heh heh! biaselahh da mlm2 uh otak dah mkin kecot. gheee.

and we arrive our home sour home at 12 o'clock.
and another bad things is, i couldn't find parking unless blocking others car.
ohh terok nyaa!
luckily handbreak dah turon kan.
but still esok pg pas smyg suboh x bleh smbg tdo blk.
quickly alihkan krete sblm tuan2 punya krete x kira bangsa dan umor mengarok sambil mencalar.calarkan katak hijau aku dgn garfu besi.
ooohhhh pleaseee nooo! :o

okayy, aku serios mlm ni nak jgk siap kan asignment. tp nak write by hand mlm ni jugak mcm x mampu je. hehe. so, pozpone esok pg plak kot.
tdo dluuu. heeee..

PS one: oh, one more thing, thanx for confront me. i dah tego u mcm biase kan td? heee. sory coz i not realize that my expression have hurt u all this while.. anyway, i like ur dimple (heh saje je amek hati. hi hi )

PS two: seriously miss smile come out from me which cause by u.. miss u like crazy even more than words can say. miss the word demok from u. tc no matter where u are! ;')

Monday, January 17, 2011


uwaaa.... ngantokk nye mate..
menguaapp x bentibenti. damn!
aku tgah sebok siap kan report.
mencimenci. term chemistry mkin lame mkin critical thinking.
aishh, dugaan yg berat.
dgn assignment sir senyum on analytical chemy.
kne hantar esok. mungkin. tp buat2 x ingat.
ouchhh. mmg rase nak hembos nafas kuatkuat tanda mangeloh.
tapi! x boleh mengeloh sembarangan.
tak bagoss!
so, no matter what, aku kne kuatt dan tingkat kan kerajinan! ( yeye)
okayy, x pecaye sudahh.
mmg muka aku x leh pcaye. hi hi.

td a bight journey on air was really awesome.
x nampak ape.ape. so, serious mcm x takot pon naek flight sorg2 td.
klo naek siang, tahap takot smpi nak pelok je lengan org sblh smpi merahmerah mata dia thn sakit. buahahaa.. ;D
and, td mse pg toilet, suddenly flight attendance inform dah nak landing.
omg omg! im stuck in the toilet...
gelabah sampai lupa nak pulas tombol pintu.
teros rase nak ketok pintu dari dlm mntk tlg org kat luar bukak.
why soo clumsy kau ni perempuan. HAHA
tp lps tarik napas dlm2,
bru terpikir nak pulas tombol pintu.
and finally im safely arrive at subang airport at 8.50pm.
teros on phone and call aizat tny dah smpi ke blom.
eh yeke? padahal aku msg je.kedekot credit. dy yg kne call blk. gheee. ;D
i thought he still on his way from shah alam.
oh luckily, he's already there and wahh!
aku kua dgn muka berlagak. peh menyampahh!
macam firstlady pg visit country org tgah tgu driver fetch. hehe.
b e ra n g a n n n n n lah kau!
anyway, thanx aizat. sampai nak tetido dlm krete nk tgu smpi umah.
bkn jaoh sgt pon. tp sbb dlm flight td x smpt nak tdo.
so, nak qadak lah dlm krete.
but still x sempat sbb bnyk je mnde nak borak kan.
ho ho. anyway, thanxx aww!

and now, aku rase nak tdo dah. zzzzz....
x mampu nak thn.
i have to come for interview ypj dkt kolej seroja.
uhh. nervous! mntk2 x blank dlm tu.
ya allah. help me. permudahkan lah urusan ku. :)

okayy. gwa dah ngantok.
(soryy ayat ganass. nak tunjuk sket thp kerakusan terhdap katil dan bantal yg brade di dpn mata)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

ni hao! ;')

ni hao! ( salam sejahtera in mandarin)
ehemm. practise lah siket kan. sem ni kan kne blaja mandarin. peh! pasni klo pg mane2, bleh la aku twu klo org cine ngutok aku blkg2 ke enn. siap laahh kau aku kutok ko blk dlm bahse cine. wo ye hen hao. ni mang da. ni ne. xiexie. HAHA whateverrr~
anywayy, im currently at mersing. umah atok sblh mak. erm, ni bru je pas tlg fmly aku buat kueh karipap kat dapor. mcm best kan dgr?? haa. mmg laa. lg best klo boleh makan. ghee.

ohh yaa! nak story laa tis week mcm hectic gile kowt. aku pon x plan sena nye nak blk jb weekend ni. then suddenly, hari rabu ptg aritu aku dpt call yg isnin ni aku ade interview dgn yayasan johor. tp sijil2 sume tetinggal kat jb. damn! tu yg tpakse blk sbb x kan nak pos2 plak kan. high risk kot. tp by the time blk jb ni, fmly aku sume nak blk kmpg, so, aku kne la follow kan. ingat kan nak blk shah alam hari ni smule. tp since abah dah book kan flight ahad mlm, so, tpakse la stay lme siket. ewahh ewah kauu. gaya mcm belajar kat obersis pulakk. siap nak blk naek flight kan. hihii.. save time lah. isnin pg tu ade intrview pulak. tkot pnt kann. huhu.

erm, mgu ni gak, mcm2 mnde bad,sweet, extreme things yg jd. klo nak cite sume mmg sempot2 lah hangpa suma nak ngabes kan bace entry ni. so, i just pick up any story yg pop up at tis moment.

firstly, mgu ni ade things yg buat aku down sgt. sgt sgt. at first place it makes me pissed off. but it turns to dissapointed then. and now, after a lot of explanation given, im screwed. i just trying to forget everything. anyway, sorry for all my bad words. :(

secondly, hari kames aritu. izzat, my very old friend fetch me for outside dinner. mkn kat kopitiam tepi tasek shah alam. great dinner and great conversation! we do talk a lot and a lot. mcm semua mnde dari zaman skolah nak crite kan. haha. well, actly, dlu tyme skolahh dy pnah mnt aku (soryy teprasan siket tp betol kan izzatt?? nenenenee.. ) for no reason. tp aku mcm bwat dungu je. smpi la tyme drjh 6 tu dah nak abes skola bru prasan yg aku terminat dy jgk at last. but,im no longer lucky. sbb after upsr, he move to kl. biase lah org dah dudok kl, kre mcm high taste gituu. mane nak pndg lg org kampong jb ni. ceyhh! so the dramaa! tp stiap kali bfdy aku mst dy wishh. tu la yg plg best. smpi lah mase habes spm tu, dy dtg jb sbb follow his dad for outstation. tyme tu first time lah jumpe dy lepas dy jd budak kl. he's change a lot. mmg gayaa org kl habess la kan. muka banggaa HAHA. then, lepas tu jumpe the next year tyme ktorg coincidentally overnight dkt mlake. dy dgn kwn dy.aku ng kwn aku. mcm jumpe kejap lah bout stgh jam je. hee. pastu bru lah haritu jumpe lg. klo pk blk mcm jrg jumpe. but mcm rapat sbb salu la hit2 kat fb. yess! fb sgt sgt menolong mengerat kan silaturrahim. ;p anyway, i just cant wait for the next meet. the chilis pleaseee.. ♥

then, lepas blk dinner tu, pg lah kemas2 beg, basuh2 baju sbb esok pg2 after class organic, nak blk jb. tetibe aku t'pk nak pg uptown. sbb org sume mcm, heh da pna pg uptown shah alam? pg laaa. bestt. oh. aku pon mcm haa nak pg jgk la. nak tgk mcm mane tmpt dy. tp x twu jln. so, ade la sorg driver ni. ehem.ehemm. willing nak bwk kan pg uptown. oh great! then, pukol 10.30 kluar rumah smpi dkt pukol 1 bru blk. whaattt? lme gile kat sne. kau beli apee? hehe. taahh ekk. aku klo pg somewhere x bli pape rse x sedap hati laa.. wakakaaa. (x rase nak gelak pong) anyway, thanxx lah encik myvi hitam sbb bwk kan. ghee. ;D

third, i have to mention here. my timetable for this sem was very2 pack. oh god! please ensure that i have a good quality of sleep every day. so that in class i wont fall asleep even in the most boring class and lecturer. heee. ohh. btw, aritu sempay tau amek gmbar class. ade 7 snap. mydear, im soo freak of dslr! sume snap aku nak join but ble suroh byr, rase mcm x nak bli je kann.hehe. step2 model laa sket. dorg yg briye pgl kte bgambo tgh2 panas uhh. asal last2 kite plak nak kne byr dorg? gagagaa.. goodreason takk?

fouth, aritu tjumpe sorg senior account ni. aku knl dy tyme kat jb. dy dtg potostet kat tmpt aku kje dlu. then ktorg borak2. lme gile smpi sejam. haha. excited sbb dy pon uitm shah alam jugak. and know what, haritu tyme kat cafe. tyme tgh searching for place to sit, ade org beri slm kat aku. i was like. heh. spe pulak bri slm kat aku ni. aku ade utang ng along ke. then, bile pusing je, aku mcm. mygodd! mcm penah jumpe. oh F! its him. gile hensemm mamat ni kan. hehe. (menyempat lg aku kann) then, aku mcm dah tkejut smpi mulot ni x benti2 nak borak dlm tgh sesak2 org tu. ngeee.. and, hey mr W. hope to see you aroundd again next time. ;')

anywayy, g2g. nnt bile2 lg aku update lg heh. aku dah register dah broadband. omg! im soo jakonn sampai tergigit.gigit kuku. hehh. but still x leh lwn wifi kat rumahku syurga ku. the fastestestestt ever! wink.wink.
ohh cop. encik aizat hamdan, fuyoo. name same mcm artis. nak sainnnnnnn.. hekhek. urm,,,pleaseee take a good care of my katak hijau. hehee. and jgn lupe jempot dkt airport subangg. ghee. so the d r a m a q u e e n. haha. i like it bebeh. oh bebeh bebehh!

PS: heyy! mr A. i miss the time kite text_ing and peace_ing and smile_ing dlm dwn kuliah dlu so badly. seriesly i like ur default pic. and goodluck for tournament rugbi esok.

..... xie.xie.... ♥

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


ya allah. please give me the strength.
i really need it.
coz at this moment i feel so bad.
totally bad. ;(

Sunday, January 9, 2011


haii korang korangg!
da lme kan x update blog. heh kat uma aku bkn ade broadband. stakat subscribe weekly broandband mobile. tkujat duet aku tauu. ni pon aku on9 kat blk membe aku kat dlm kolej. hehe. wifi free. thanx kolej delima.
anyway, aku dahh smgu dah drive katak hijau aku kat sini. to be honest, i feel like my driving skill here was totally suck! dissappointed gile laa. rse mcm x layak jep dpt lesen.kat sini boleh kate hari2 lah aku kne honhon ponponnn dgn krete bas motor lori basikal je tak. damn! ok, aku twu lah shah alam ni ibu negri selangor. roundabout nak blambak kan. kaat jb mane ade weh. kjutan budaya lah aku kat sini. jakon sgt tgk roundabout smpi kdg2 terpusing bnyk2 kali gak ahh. kahkah. (aku bwat lawak tp x rase nak gelakk) oh tapi.tapi. aku dah lege sket skg sbb ari kames aritu aku dah pg bli sticker P. yeayy! even tgl lg 3bln nak expired, tp aku rase sticker tu sgt2 lah bgune. saat dan ketika ini. boleh pshyco org dow. ble org tgk ade sticker P, teros org mcm, heh bdk mentah lg ni. kesian. bg jelah dy jln dlu. wakakaa. ohh yaa. aritu pas abes klas pg la lepak2 kat pak li kopitiam dkt area sek7.teruja la kan nak pg mkn2 ni. tp bab nak parking, nauuzubillahhh. mmg mcm puaka tauu. sampai aritu, aku rase second tyme kot org luar ajar aku camne nak parking. first tyme mase kat jb. hehe. then, aritu, ade krete perdana ni nak park sblh kete aku. aku plak bleh g parking senget en. then tyme nak adjust, mcm dah blank au x reti nak kuar an krete. tetibe abg yg drive perdana tuu ketok tingkap krete aku and dy ajar cm ne nak reverse krete sume. whaattttt??! sumpahh aku maluu gabakk tyme tuu rase mcm budak hingusannn gile.. oucchhh! tp aku mcm biase la kan. kntrol macho je. huahua. tp ape2 pon thanx la atas tunjuk ajar mu. dheee.. ;'D
copcop! pg pg td lg aku dah kerah rumet aku soh bgon sbb nak soh dy teman aku checking and cuci krete kat bwh. haha. saje gedikk kan nak btemann. bukan x boleh buat sorg2. well, aku rasa m a c h o c hooooo habess lah servis kete sndri. wawawii. bukan servis ape sgt. stakat check air batry, cooler, mnyk itam, rase dah hensem habes laa dpt buat keje org lakii... heheeee. bravoo cik tiqa!

ohh yaaa! this sem punye sbjct mcm quite tough laa. maybe pd aku kot. yelaa aku bkn hebakk mane. huhu. sbject sem ni yg aku kne struggle dgn sungoh2 nye (ceyhh yeye!) :
1- analytical chemistry
2-organic chemistry
3- inorganic chemistry
4-thermodynamics ( the core_est)
5-unit operation
6- bel (report writing)
7-3rd language (mandarin)
8- koko (comercial music) ♥

ya allah. kau berikan lah aku kekuataan dan ketabahan mengharungi semua ini. :)

PS: thanx ye tengku sbb buat patik senyom lg. ♥

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


hey hey! malam td aku tdo awal lg.
lepas pnt angkat2 brg siap ngan luggage2 lg.
aiyooo maa aiyoo pakk!
kuar segalaa urat2 jantan ni.
pehpeh! kecot jugak aku tgk. HAHA
malamm lepas siap unpack,
bantai pulak menyapuu siap mengemop lagi.
bukan ape, x sukaa la mcm bile kemas2 locker tp x diakhiri dgn sapu and mop.
ehem.ehemm. (betol ke aku camni? dheee..)
lantas, jam9 bru dpt turon makan.
dgn x mandi nyaa lg.
pegi tron 1 kedai ni (plg dekat dgn rumah laa)
tgk2 order dy belambok.lambok lg.
x boleh tahan. wa da lapor maksimum da ni.
tukar plan pg medan slere laen. jaoh siket dari rumaa.
sbb ade sorg rumet ni ckp tmpt tu mcm x rmi sgt.
ok finee! rela wpon tpakse jalan jaoh siket sambil reduce kan volume bunyik dlm perot.
sampai2 sane,,
mak haihh. berbijik.bijik kepala org dah memenuhi pemandangan mata.
hek elehhh. same je.
ok x pe. thn lg. teros amek order.
air dah stengah jam sampai, dah separoh minom, makan manaa?
ooii tak bleh jd.
dari lapar teros tukar mengantokk
da x de mood nak mkn. penatmengantok!
dekat sejam gak la tunggu baru mkn sampai.
pehpeh! klo twu sme lmbt jgk, bek tgu je kat kdai mkn first2 td.
dekat sket ng uma.
alaa, adat laa dudukk sendiri, blajar hidop susah siket kann. (wahh! sejukk ati makbapak aku klo dorg bace ni.. winkwinky!)
aaa,xpe ahh. perot wa da lapauu giler. dri ngantok td,
bile dpt bau makannan,teros neurone2 lapar bergiat aktip.
tanpa buang masa, dalam masa 10minet siap mkan dan bayar.
HAHA. balik umah mandi,on9 kejap, mkn ubat seseme&batok.
pastwo, THREEdow! zzzzzzz..

ohh yaaa! first klas smlm quite ok laa.
cumaaa klo twu ade satu klas je pg smlm,
pas abes klas sure da blk umah teruihhh.
aww rugi tau mase untuk bemesra dgn rumah baruu ni.
kahkah! joke.
pg ni klas stat kol 11.30.
besttt! babai!

PS: homesick and JBsick lagigigigiiiii. :(
(xpe.sbln je lg cuti.. tahan. bukan lame sgt pon sbln tuu. okayy! ayat sedap kan hatii lg. )

Sunday, January 2, 2011

babai jb!

im wake up soo early in the morning.
i think its not suboh yet.
have to be early.
need to left seventy percents part of my heart here.
goodbye lovely bedroom,
goodbye my bathroom,
goodbye sofa,
goodbye kitchen,
goodbye kimora, giuliana&bill, how i met ur mother, cougar town, the kardashians,
goodbye tv actly!
goodbye wifi (i rank u to be the fastestestestestt ever i had used)
goodbye working place
goodbye to mr insurans
goodbye mom's cooking
goodbye daily coolblog (choclate milk tea+pearl)
and a very very goodbye to jb!
im gonna miss everything here.
and highly sure im gonna homesick there. :(
....off to shah alamm...
the new places for me stand still by my own,
have to put more effort to achieve an excellent in my study.
only one word, determined!
so missatiqa, you have to be missSTRONG!

the faith

1-things always come for reason
2-what goes around comes around :)

misstyqa's favourite page